The Butterfly Blog

Ep 110 Healing After A Medically Advised Abortion with Jenny Foster

We’re excited to introduce today’s guest to you! With twenty-four years in human resources and corporate employee benefits, Jenny Smith served as an associate faculty member for the National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, for whom she presented nationally....

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Ep 108 The Heart of the Lord for His Daughters in the Midst of Infertility with Preston Morrison

Whatever you are facing, whatever part of this journey of infertility or loss you are on, God sees you. He loves you, and He not only walks you through the valley to the mountaintop, but He sits with you in the depths of your despair as He strengthens you. His power is made perfect in...

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Ep 101 Bringing Hope to Loss Moms with Rachel Lohman


Discovering hope and purpose after pregnancy loss looks different for everyone. 


For today’s guest, it looked like creating polymer clay earrings. 6 years ago, Rachel Lohman suffered a pregnancy loss. Like many of us, this obviously wasn’t what she had...

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You Are Not Forgotten by Lisbeth Van Daalen

No matter what part of the story you are, I am remembering you today.

  • To the mom with empty arms, yet to experience first steps or midnight snuggles, I see you. I see the way you watch other mothers with longing and envy and hope in your eyes. I see the hours you spend in doctor’s offices...
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Ep 92 Infertility & the Difficult Conversations that Come During the Holidays


Welcome back friends!

The goal of this episode is to show you how to keep your cool and keep the Lord first this holiday season. Well-meaning people will say triggering things, and we want to encourage you with helpful ways to navigate those difficult situations and remove...

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God Heals

by Kori Bailey

I can’t tell you how many times I heard the phrase, “Time heals” after my baby boy died. I know people have good intentions, but that cliche hurts. Each time it came fumbling out of someone’s mouth I’d smile and say “thank you,” but...
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