The Butterfly Blog

Ep 103 Godā€™s Redemption: A Story of Love, Loss, & Adoption with Lisa Robertson

“Occasionally weep deeply over the life you hoped would be. Grieve the losses. Then wash your face. Trust God and embrace the life you have.” - John Piper


Today’s guest, Lisa Robertson is sharing her beautiful redemption story with us. Lisa lives in Ohio with...

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International Bereaved Motherā€™s Day

Written by: Becky Bierwas

Motherhood is complicated.

The death of our child is even more complex.

We have entered into the month where we are bombarded with ads, cards, and commercials promoting Mother’s Day. A holiday where our society mostly celebrates and honors those who have living...

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Peace in the wait

by Jenn Darby

I’ve always wanted to be a mom. But for as long as I can remember, I’ve had this feeling I would struggle to have a baby. When I married my high school sweetheart, I was so excited about the idea of starting a family someday. We got pregnant unexpectedly just 6 months...

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Life is GOOD even when it is bad.

by Amy Berry

I remember June 2, 2010 very clearly...I remember sitting there and hearing the sonogram tech saying, “I am so sorry, but there is no heartbeat.” Wait….NO HEARTBEAT? Is that what she said? Did I hear that right? No, it could not be what she said, I mean after all...

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