
When Your dream feels pushed FURTHER Away

blog community infertility journey pregnancy loss the god who sees

When your treatment plan changes/cycle is cancelled/adoption is delayed/whatever that looks like. Remember that HE SEES YOU and we have been there too. 

If this has happened to you, you know the feeling. If you’re early in your fertility journey… I hope this is NOT something you experience but in the case that you do you are not alone.

There are times when you think you are about to be one step closer to growing your family and you find out the treatment is cancelled, a form is missing, there is something that causes a delay… there’s a hiccup in the pathway to your dreams. Maybe bloodwork reveals a level is off, your body didn’t respond to the medication, etc. 

We want to remind you, we have been there too. This is something that many of us in the infertility world have walked through and it hurts. It’s heavy and it is hard to walk through with your head held high.

The best piece of advice I can give to you is… ONE STEP AT A TIME.

Do not allow the enemy to rule your brain with the looming negativity that comes with feeling that you are going through another month of not conceiving or not coming closer to your dream of becoming a mother. 

Taking your journey one step at a time allows you to focus on each step as it comes. Instead of allowing the full picture to consume you and overwhelm your peaceful mind and heart (that ONLY the Lord can give). 

If the enemy can sidetrack you with one negative thought, he can sneak his way into derailing your entire outlook. We are here to remind you that in these moments of darkness and heaviness. GOD himself is sitting with you in it, invite him in. Ask him to show up in a mighty way and reveal how his hand is still in this journey even if you can’t see it in that moment. 

Remember what God’s word says about his heart for you:

  • Deuteronomy. 31:8 (NIV) - “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
  • Psalm 56:8 (MSG) -  “You’ve kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, Each tear entered in your ledger, each ache written in your book.”
  • Isaiah 54:10 – “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.


Take aways:

  1. Remember you are NOT alone and the Lord, our GOD sees Y O U!
  2. Ask God to sit with you in your pain/heartache/etc.
  3. Ask God to replace those hurting and painful places with supernatural peace & comfort 
  4. Pray that the Lord would make next steps clear in your journey!


We have sat in the chair you are sitting in, it is not a seat anyone desires to sit in. But our ministry exists to walk alongside you through the peaks and valleys. We love you, sister!