
Making the Most of Your Wait

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By Living in the Wait – Melissa Vande Kieft

We all have something in life we’re not prepared for, an unexpected challenge. Most often this struggle isn’t immediately resolved and we grow impatient. It might be unique to you or shared by others. Waiting is often the hardest part, but we don’t get to choose what things in life we wait for, and for my husband and I, it was infertility.

During our three-year journey, one question continually crossed my heart and mind, “How do I continue living while waiting for my heart’s desires?” This question eventually led to a turning point as I slowly began to realize, God wanted me to make the most of my wait. He didn’t want me to just get by or barely survive, He wanted me to live in the wait.

What that looks like for each person will be different based upon your interests, personality and skillsets. For my husband and I, it involves the outdoors, college sports and being generous. Think about how you like to spend your time, what’s important to you and what gives you energy. Be intentional about making it happen. The more you focus on living each month, the more you’ll desire it.

Waiting is something we all experience, but it’s usually seen as a nuisance, inconvenient and frustrating. So often, we want to rush, bypass or buy our way out of our wait. But Jesus taught me that these waiting periods are extremely valuable and transformational times that ultimately serve a purpose and create growth in our lives. Is it going to be difficult? You bet. But God encourages us in Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

While what we are waiting for and the duration may be different, God’s plan for us during that time is the same. As Jesus tells us in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” That means friend, no matter if you get pregnant, get that job, get married or are healed, you have life to the full.  Waiting is difficult, there is no way around that, but when we look to Jesus to find the value in our wait, He softens our hearts so our wait is no longer about us, but about Him and His glory.


Bio: Melissa is a blogger, educator and soon-to-be first-time mom after journeying through infertility for over 3 years. She loves to strike up a conversation with everyone she meets and is a huge fan of generosity, grace, and encouragement. Guided by faith, Melissa wants you to know that you can live life to the fullest, even while waiting for your heart’s desires. You can learn more by visiting or follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest for even more inspiration.