The Butterfly Blog

Itā€™s The Time To Press In

by Amanda Hogue

It was two years of struggling with infertility before we started the process of adoption, which took another year and a half before we brought home our daughter. I remember the unbearably long nights of writing our home study, designing a profile book, and wondering if our...

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Step Out Of Isolation

by BonnieRuth Rolf

Isolation. It sucks you in, winding itself around you with a tight squeeze, choking out anything that is good. It creates a shadow of darkness, painting images of hopelessness and loneliness. It weaves a web of lies with the messages of self-doubt and worthlessness. Isolation...

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New Morning, New Mercies

by Cassie Juarez

It had been a season of longsuffering. The kind of season that felt relentless, and to be honest I was growing weary. After days of praying and trying to understand. After months of the Lord calling me to trust him in so many new ways. After seasons of giving up, then digging...

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Peace in the wait

by Jenn Darby

I’ve always wanted to be a mom. But for as long as I can remember, I’ve had this feeling I would struggle to have a baby. When I married my high school sweetheart, I was so excited about the idea of starting a family someday. We got pregnant unexpectedly just 6 months...

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Life is GOOD even when it is bad.

by Amy Berry

I remember June 2, 2010 very clearly...I remember sitting there and hearing the sonogram tech saying, “I am so sorry, but there is no heartbeat.” Wait….NO HEARTBEAT? Is that what she said? Did I hear that right? No, it could not be what she said, I mean after all...

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Learning to adjust when things arenā€™t going according to plan

by Rosemary Pope


If you’re reading this post, I’m thinking something in your life hasn’t gone according to the plan you thought it would. Perhaps, you’re struggling with infertility or experienced a pregnancy or infant loss, and you’re wondering how...

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